
Search results

  1. CHAIRE presents Dr. Temple Grandin

    CHAIRE Presents Animals in Our Lives Featuring Dr. Temple Grandin ...

  2. Master Plan Forums

    You are invited to attend an open forum discussion about CFAES facilities, with a specific focus on the future of our Columbus Mid-West Campus (including Waterman Lab) and Wooster Campus.   ...

  3. 2019 Agricultural Diversification Research Tour

    Learn about trends in arthropod and plant species on pasture plots, yield of poultry, vegetables with no added fertilizer, and more. ...

  4. Chadwick Arboretum Plant Sale and Auction Fundraiser

    become one now by clicking  here. If you become a member before the event, you can bring your membership ...

  5. Harvest Safety Tips while Travelling Ohio Roadways

    between 2 – 10 ft above the ground, • it must be kept in good condition where it is clean, unfaded, and ...

  6. NW Ohio Precision Ag Day and Fertilizer Applicator Certification Training

    Fairgrounds in Wauseon.  This year’s field operation of interest is precision nutrient management. The event ... Bill 150 regulations.  The event will also offer at least 4 hours of Certified Crop Advisor credits, ... nutrient placement and timing.  This event is from 8 am to 3:30 pm and open to the public.  Registration is ...

  7. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2011-25

    oviposition for the few adult stragglers remaining.   Soil Health and Cover Crops Field Days Two events for ... Come spend a day with Soil Scientists "In the Pits" as we plan to go back to the basics ... of soil science CCA-Basic Soils Training When: 8/18/2011 9:00-5:00 Where: North Appalachian ...

  8. All Ohio Chapter of the Soil & Water Conservation Society Winter Meeting and Conference Scheduled

    of the event, which includes lunch and refreshments, is $40 for Soil & Water Conservation Society ... late fee for those registering after March 7, 2014. This daylong event has been pre-approved for ...

  9. So there is lots to talk about in the weather

    rain events versus snow events though some minor snows are possible. Second half of February into ...

  10. FSR Agronomy College   Event Information Date: September 15, 2015 Location: Farm Science Review-- Molly Caren ... at 4 p.m. Registration: To register online, ...
