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  1. Growing Rhubarb in the Home Garden

    clean straw, compost, or similar mulching material will help control weeds and conserve soil moisture ... well-drained soil.  Ascochyta leaf spot may also infect rhubarb. Practice good sanitation by removing leaf ...

  2. How to Hire an Arborist

    When these types of events happen, nonprofessionals see a chance to earn some quick money. Often these ... events create high risk situations for both workers and homeowners. Buildings and existing landscapes can ... clean-up?       Does this include stump removal?       Is this the total price?       What are the terms of ...

  3. Cover Crops in the Garden

    level. This fact sheet provides basic, fact-based information that is not readily available to home ...

  4. Secondary Injury Prevention: Understanding Concussions

    concussions with athletics or sporting events, but due to the nature of the work, farmers are at a high risk ... a concussion. Recognition and proper response can help prevent further injury or even death. In the event of ... personality changes  • Can't recall events prior to hit or fall  • Can't recall events after hit or ...

  5. Converting Biogas to Transportation Fuels

    pathways can be used to convert cleaned biogas (primarily containing CH 4 and CO 2) into methanol, ethanol, ... can use cleaned biogas to produce syngas (Eqs. 4–6), while POR oxidizes methane to syngas (Eq. 7). Dry ...

  6. Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Pears

    Ohio State University Extension office for the following fact sheets: Canning Basics, HYG-5338 Basics ...

  7. Soil Quality Test Kit

    adjusted 0.2M KMnO 4 stock solution should be kept in a clean, dark bottle in a cool, dry place. Contents ...

  8. Agricultural Rescue Programming

    provide background and basic education on agricultural practices and equipment for first responders and ...

  9. Selecting, Storing and Serving Ohio Carrots

    University Extension office for the following fact sheets: Canning Basics, HYG-5338 Basics for Canning ...

  10. Mold Has Grown on Your Food: What Should You Do?

    mold growth in your canned foods? Kitchen sanitation and ingredient quality are two factors. Mold ... spores are often airborne and spoilage may occur sporadically, but maintaining a clean work space and ...
