
Search results

  1. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2005-32

    to clean, dry grain. The effective life of these products is shortened as grain moisture increases. ... grain, clean it and treat it with a grain mass protectant. Remember that primary insect pests such as ... grain has been fumigated or cleaned and treated, consolidate this old grain as much as possible into the ...

  2. State Conference 2014- Great Speakers, Great Location and Great People = A Huge Success!

    putting together this event!     Over 125 folks attended the two day event and enjoyed learning and ...

  3. Software for Developing Nutrient Management Plans Workshop

    Elm St, London, OH For more details and to register go to: Nutrient ...

  4. Naked Soybeans in Ohio?

    replanting costs today are much higher than our estimates of $80/acre from 10 years ago. Basically seed ...

  5. Drought-Tolerant Corn Hybrids: What is the Fit for Ohio?

    Drought events are predicted to increase with rising global temperatures and altered rainfall ... losses from drought events. If Ohio corn yields had been reduced 10% in 2013 due to drought, then the ... drought-tolerant corn hybrids that were developed for use in the Western Corn Belt to manage for drought events ...

  6. Conversation with EASE Training Program (Engage, Acknowledge, Share, Earn Trust)

    Federation. This event will be held in the Ag Admin Auditorium.  Free pizza will be provided to registered ...

  7. Cover Crop Field Day

    Amanda at or 937-484-1526. The event will begin in the Champaign County Community ...

  8. Implicit Bias workshop to be held in Wooster on April 26th

    The Implicit Bias workshop will be held on the Wooster campus on April 26th. ...

  9. Phi Theta Kappa Induction Ceremony

    The Phi Theta Kappa Induction Ceremony will be held on Tuesday, April 23 at 5:30pm in the Housing Office Community Room. Please plan on joining us in celebrating these students' academic achievements.  ...

  10. Save the date! Secrest Welcome Center open house

    Secrest Welcome and Education Center open house scheduled for May 7. ...
