
Search results

  1. Buckeye Shepherd’s Symposium programming to concentrate on the future

    concentrate on, “Looking to the Future: Marketing, Nutrient Management, and Product Demand.” The event will be ...

  2. CD Weekly Wire- November 19, 2012

    Health Care Reform. The WebEx session will discuss the basic foundations of the health care reform taking ... ***************************************************************************** REMINDERS / UPDATES / NEWS: CD Quarterly News- Winter 2013 Events Request: The winter 2013 issue ... of the CD Quarterly News will be published January 2. Please submit your upcoming events to Sandy by ...

  3. Mental Health Workshop

    The Pre-Veterinary Medical Association will be hosting Annie Abraham, clinical therapist, at The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine, on January 17th from 7-8pm in the VMCA. She will be addressing the topic of mental health and how to per ...

  4. Animal Welfare & Behavior Club Meeting

    The first Animal Welfare & Behavior Club meeting of the semester is January 17th at 5:30 in Enarson 238! Wild Hearts Zoo will be coming to speak about exotic animal welfare and will be bringing some small exotics with them, such as an owl, hedgehog, f ...

  5. Omega Tau Sigma Etiquette Dinner

    All Animal Science Students/all CFAES Students are invited to attend Omega Tau Sigma's Etiquette Dinner. OTS is a nationally recognized veterinary fraternity that encourages and fosters the development of well rounded veterinarians. This dinner will ...

  6. Club Calf for Sale

    There is a Shorthorn Plus Steer club calf for sale. The calf was born on February 7, 2017. For pictures and more information, please see the attachment or call 614-282-1154. ...

  7. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2012-41

    the group to provide a day of basic field crop management class, greenhouse and lab hands-on ... the group again builds on the basics of the day before with the February 20 th workshop on Advanced ... with a credit card for the event of your choice. You may attend either or both events. Click this link ...

  8. Series of Firsts to Begin 2014 OSU Livestock Judging Season

    event.  The 2014 OSU Livestock Judging Team consists of Zach Bartenslager, Lewisburg, West Virginia, Levi ...

  9. CD Weekly Wire- March 10, 2014

    are posted at: Registration ... to plan the Symposium on Small Towns event which will be held in Morris, Minnesota on June 4–5. The ... event is themed "Understanding Rural Migration: Myths, Trends and Opportunities Exposed." ...

  10. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2011-39

    apply herbicides.  We covered the basics of fall herbicide treatments in a C.O.R.N. article earlier this ...
