
Search results

  1. Toadally Beneficial: Workshop on Wetlands and Wildlife June 3

    University Drive. The sponsor is the college’s Ohio Woodland Stewards Program.   The event is for “landowners ...

  2. EPN's 2nd Tuesdays Breakfast Club

    and the School of Environment and Natural Resources appreciate sponsorship of this event by the Ohio ...

  3. TWEL Marja Bakermans Dissertation

    on the breeding grounds. However, recent work demonstrates that events that occur throughout the ... be impacted by events on both the breeding and nonbreeding grounds. My dissertation research examined ...

  4. SENR- A Year in Review

    We invite you to take a moment to look back at a few highlights from 2013! Events   Teaching  ... honeysuckle, plant 325 trees and shrubs and pick up a half-dumpster of trash at the 5th Annual Earth Day event ... event at Schiermeier Wetlands attracts 250 freshmen volunteers.     September 2013 SENR Distinguished ...

  5. Health Risks of Fracking

    communication experts that is moderated by WOSU news director Mike Thompson.  The event is free and open to the ...

  6. Promotion & Marketing

    RESOURCES Project Promotion Resources Need something fun to take into a school or offer at a county event ...

  7. How are We to Live in Our Common Home? Reflections on Laudato Si, Pope Francis' Encyclical on Ecology

    1871 N. High St., and will be followed by a fireside chat with OSU President Michael Drake. This event ...

  8. Dairy Leaders Honor Ohio's World Championship Industry During June Dairy Month Celebration

    was represented extremely well at the event and additional luggage was required for their return trip. ...

  9. OSU Climate Change Webinar

    climate change from different places, from the events they attend to published works they read or author. ...

  10. Workshop to Spotlight Whole-system Solutions to Nutrient Runoff, Water Issues

    2015, in Columbus, hosted by Ohio State and the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency. The event will be ...
