
Search results

  1. Strategies for Successful Health

    Agriculture (USDA) introduced a food-grouping system for planning a varied diet. The original Basic 7 food ... groups turned into the Basic 4 about 40 years ago. It next became a food guide pyramid based on five ...

  2. Injury Prevention: Types of Cold Stress

    ulcers clean and covered Acknowledgments This fact sheet was reviewed by Karen Mancl, PhD, Professor, ...

  3. Strategies for Coping with Parasite Larvae on Pastures in the Springtime in Ohio

    selection. Basic Biology  The life cycle of the important worms inhabiting the stomach and intestines of ... reach the infective larva stage. If the fences are moved across the clean hayfield at 3–4 day intervals, ... buildup of a parasite burden in late May or early June and move lambs and their mothers to a clean ...

  4. Handheld Trimmers and Brush Cutters

    due to their tendency to throw objects from their spinning action. By following basic safety ... • Be aware of bystanders in the event of thrown objects. Allow at least a 50 feet of safe distance. ...

  5. Purchasing Nutrients for Hay and Forage Crops

    better value. This method works as a basic comparison of multiple nutrient fertilizers, but does not take ... (Calcium Sulfate)-- 0.5 22.3 Ca, 17.0 S Elemental Sulfur--- 30.0-99.0 S Basic Slag- 8.0-12.0   29.0 Ca, 3.3 ...

  6. Fungus Gnats

    building. Inside, insecticides are not usually necessary for control, as exclusion, sanitation, and potted ...

  7. Ohio Soil Health Card

    following websites: ...

  8. Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Apples

    contact your local Ohio State University Extension office for the following fact sheets: Canning Basics ... , HYG-5338 Basics for Canning Fruit, HYG-5343 Freezing Fruits, HYG-5349 Jams, Jellies, and Other Fruit ...

  9. Sand Bioreactors for Onsite Wastewater Treatment

    to layers of specially sized sand to remove pollutants. The clean, odor-free effluent from a sand ...

  10. Ever-Evolving Aspects of Cannabis Production

    growers should always return to the basics, conduct soil analysis (especially for pH), and use technical ... practices and the use of biopesticides. Pristine sanitation and rigorous scouting programs are key in ... diseases. Sanitation and scouting programs become more relevant as the number of registered crop-protection ...
