
Search results

  1. Master Gardeners Honored for Their Horticulture Efforts

    the event include: • OSU Extension Friend of the Master Gardener Volunteer Program-- Ted Verhoff, ...

  2. Chadwick Arboretum Tree Collection Given Official Name

    Lucks' contributions, the event showcased the dedication of two American Yellowwood (Cladrastis ...

  3. Soybean School New Addition to 2010 Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference

    event will be held Feb. 25-26 at the McIntosh Center of Ohio Northern University in Ada. Sponsors ...

  4. AWBC on the Oval

    Animal Welfare and Behavior Club is having a fundraiser on the oval from 12-4 on Tuesday, April 25th and they will be selling homemade dog treats and toys for $2 each or $3 for both!   ...

  5. Conference to Help Small Farm Owners Market Products, Increase Profits

    Program coordinator. About 200 people are expected to attend the conference. The overall goal of the event ...

  6. Banner Photo of the Week

    This week's pet is thanks to Samantha Smith! Max sadly passed away this past year, but summer was his favorite!  "Loving the feeling of sun on my fur, the smell of flowers in the air, and I can almost taste the food dropping on the ground from t ...

  7. The Power of the Pet

    Special Screening of Dean Rustin Moore's TedxTalk with Live Q&A! When: 5:30pm Thursday April 20th  Q&A with Dean Moore to begin 5:45 Where: 200 Campbell Hall Free Admission! Presented by the Human Animal Interactions Club ...

  8. "Emerging" Problems Plague Corn/Soybeans

    plant basically shutting down. The result is a stunted root system and stunted plant growth." Frost ...

  9. For the Most in Pasture Management, Measure Forage Dry Matter

    grazing. The basic steps involved in using the grazing stick are: • Measure pasture height in 20-30 random ...

  10. Emerging Problems Plague Corn/Soybeans

    plant basically shutting down. The result is a stunted root system and stunted plant growth." Frost ...
