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Beef Cattle Artificial Insemination School Hosted by OSU Extension
9 a.m. to approximately 2:30 p.m. each day at EARS. Producers will learn the basics of utilizing Expected ...
Junior Fair Superintendents Needed
members and helping them succeed in offering all events and activities throughout the year related to the ...
Ohio Beef Cattle Feeding School
You must register for this event. The cost is $20, meal provided. Payment can be mailed to or dropped ...
Upcoming Extension ANR Programs
more information, visit ANR Agriculture and Natural Resources upcoming events ...
2019 North West Ohio Sheep and Goat Series
basics of small ruminant (sheep & goat) production and marketing for new, current, and interested ...
Post-Harvest Sanitation in Orchards and Vineyards Can Reduce Disease Pressure
imperative that we utilize sanitation practices to prevent or reduce the presence of the pathogen. Reducing ...
Brown County JFB Seeking Small Animal Superintendent(s)
fair board overseeing the members and helping them succeed in offering all events and activities ... orders, chick pick-up, small animal tagging, clinics, barn clean-ups, pen assignments, etc. ...
Teach Love Through Actions In Daily Family Life
events. It could also be time spent talking a walk or your bedtime routines. If you aren’t sure what your ...
Connection Cafe: Caregiving Around the Clock
participate in this event, please contact Kathy Tutt at or 937-398-7607. Requests made 10 day ... prior to the event will generally allow enough time to provide seamless access; however, the university ...
Lois B. Small and Gladys B. Hamilton Labyrinth Garden
could be enclosed and/or tented for special events and still provide a unique feature for our gardens, ... interactive destination point in the Arboretum and provided an enclosed area for private receptions/events in ...