
Search results

  1. Your Woodland Water & Wildlife ...

  2. Ohio State Experts Offer Tips on Best Management Practices to Keep Phosphorus on the Field, Improve Water Quality

    events that may occur before the ground thaws and allows nutrients to bind to soil. Avoid surface ... runoff-producing rainfall events happen close to application. Placement of nutrients below the surface of the soil ... to the tillage, and till before a rain event. Full-width tillage has the potential to increase soil ...

  3. Professor participates in global gathering

    the event were Macky Sall, the president of Senegal, and Paul Kagame, the president of  Rwanda and ... Foundation. Coverage of the event is featured in news publications such as The New York Times and The ...

  4. Cover Crop Field Day

    Amanda at or 937-484-1526. The event will begin in the Champaign County Community ...

  5. SENR Seminar Series

    work with women and climate adaptation in Bangladesh, and related policy recommendations. This event is ...

  6. 2014 Champaign and Union Agronomy Day

    production if attending the entire day. The event will be held February 18, 2014 from 8:30 a.m. until 4:00 ... 937-644-8117. Current sponsors for the event include the Ohio Soybean Council and Mark Wolfe with Seed ...

  7. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2005-07

    sprayer that looks clean enough to drink. You don't have time to clean plugged nozzles. 6. Never use ... season to keep it at peak performance. Use clean water while calibrating to reduce the risk of contact ... problems quickly in the field. 12. Clean your sprayer as often as possible and do a thorough clean-up at ...

  8. Soil Infiltration

    inch rainfall event. As shown in Chart #2, conventional tillage in a corn / soybean rotation field ...

  9. The Value of Networking for Environmental Career Success

    breakfast meetings and even larger annual signature events. His seminar will share insights on the value of ...

  10. Secrest AfterHours

    Secrest Arboretum and Gardens event updates. ...
