
Search results

  1. Sandridge Foods Industry Information Session

    Dinner will be served starting at 5:00 pm and the information session will start at 5:30 pm. This event ...

  2. College Aggies Online Scholarship Competition

    assignments, attending trainings, posting on social media and holding events. The top three individuals and ...

  3. Congratulations Bonnie Ayars!

    youth programs, she has increased participation in the dairy youth events and developed additional ... outstanding programs, such as Dairy Palooza. Whether in the classroom, at a dairy show or other dairy event ...

  4. USDA Ag Outlook Forum

    attend this annual event. The attached program announcement includes full details, including submission ...

  5. Organic Food and Farming Education and Research Program Organic Field Day

    (County Road 44), Wooster. Event will feature updates on research projects, including on naked oats and ...

  6. Ohio Livestock Coalition Annual Meeting and Industry Symposium

    Flyer: ...

  7. New Ohio State ATI Website Launched This Year

    of the web site are a section for ATI news, a calendar of events, and student profiles. Rotating home ... page banners are being used to promote special events or highlight site content. We invite you to ...

  8. Department of Animal Sciences "An Evening of Excellence" 2nd Annual Recognition Banquet

    Reception invitation (pdf): Click here (event starts prior to the banquet at 4:30 pm)   ...

  9. DeNise Inducted into Animal Science Hall of Fame

    Dr. Sue DeNise was inducted into the Animal Science Hall of Fame on April 8, 2017. The event took ...

  10. Students Compete at Ft. Worth Stock Show Dairy Judging Contest

    5th in the largest contest to date for this event.  Teams traveled from California, Michigan, and many ...
