
Search results

  1. See How a Tree Grown in Northern Ohio Becomes, Say, an Amish-Made Dining Room Chair

    starting at the Mansfield campus at 1760 University Drive. How to register Registration for the event is ...

  2. Tree School Set for Ohio State Mansfield

    University Drive. The event is for anyone interested in learning more about trees, said  Marne Titchenell, ...

  3. May 1: How Are Human, Animal and Environmental Health Connected?

    at Payment by credit card is due by 5 p.m. April 29. The event is being sponsored by ...

  4. Canning Basics: Community Class offered in partnership with OSU Extension, Fulton County

    For anyone who cans food for home use or would like to know how to begin... Patrice Powers-Barker from OSU Extension, Lucas County and Melissa Rupp from OSU Extension, Fulton County will co-present a free 2 hour class on canning:  both water bath canning ...

  5. CFAES Undergraduate Research Forum & Gamma Sigma Delta Induction

    public. Participation in this event will prepare students for the OSU Denman Undergraduate Research Forum. ...

  6. CD Wire- February 11, 2014

    Events found under RiV’s Non-Dossier Items goes in this report. So, it is of critical importance that we ... getting started or need some tips, PD&E has posted some  RiV basics  that may help. Another little ... conference between keynote speakers, meal events, awards and recognition, networking opportunities, a panel ...

  7. The Effects of Fracking

    and Civil Engineering. This event will be held in the Saxbe Auditorium in the Moritz School of Law.           ...

  8. Name That Tree

    register:  ...

  9. SENR Honors Thesis Presentation: Fighting for Commons

    a landmark event in the international water rights movement. For three years, the people of this small ... in the defense of water rights, but also because women played a pivotal role. Although the event was ... detailed chronology of protest events than has previously been offered in the published literature. ...

  10. EPN December Breakfast

    additional information and to register for this event please visit The landscape is changing ...
