
Search results

  1. Mom and Me Sewing Clinic

    doing something creative while learning basic sewing skills where you and your child will make ... few will be available for those who may not have a machine) and basic sewing supplies (scissors, pins, ...

  2. Slow Cooker Class- Tuesday Morning Series

    Come learn about slow cooker basics, budgeting and nutrition.  Sample some recipes and take a few ...

  3. Lunch and Learn: Vermiculture Basics

    This Lunch and Learn Program will feature a session by Jane Eberly on the Basics of Vermiculture, ...

  4. Slow Cooker Class- Tuesday Evening Series

    Come learn about slow cooker basics, budgeting and nutrition.  Sample some recipes and take a few ...

  5. GIS Day 2019

    GIS Day  at Ohio State is an annual event for students, staff, faculty, and visitors to learn more ...

  6. Lunch and Learn: Lawn Care 101

    Center located at 831 College Avenue, Lancaster, as we explore the basics of getting ready for spring ...

  7. 4-H Day

    event but want further information? Please contact the Fairfield County Extension office at 740-652-7260 ...

  8. SNAP-Ed

    2019. 56,092 additional participants were reached through indirect programs such as community events ...

  9. Hayes Graduate Research Forum- Apply now!

    held February 28, 2020. The Hayes Forum is an interdisciplinary event that showcases graduate student ...

  10. Make Plans for Your Vegetable Garden Now

    inexperienced gardener, or just want to revisit the basics of vegetable gardening, linked below are a few ...
