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  1. First Internship Poster Forum a Great Success

    Frutchy, Ben King and Ed Nangle worked with Denise Rotavera-Krain to develop the event, which they hope ...

  2. Sours wins Provost's Award for Distinguished Teaching by a Lecturer

    II, Sustainable WaSH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene) for Rural Communities, Introduction to ...

  3. FABE Lecturers participate in inaugural Buckeye Precollege Institutes

    complex global issues such as climate change, food security, access to clean water, growing inequality, ...

  4. Potato and Pumpkin Giveaway

    CFAES Wooster faculty, staff and students are invited to the Horticulture Research Farm, Unit 1, to get potatoes and pumpkins. ...

  5. Cultural Connections: Ecuador ...

  6. Student Spotlight: Cassie Leigh Collins

    hands-on like that is my style," said Cassie. "I liked all the work we did to clean it out and ... Military and Veterans Club, a position which is very important to her. "We started with a basic idea ...

  7. Four ATI students receive 4-H scholarships

    FFA member, she was active in community service events and competed in soil and livestock judging ...

  8. Kinetics of Reactions and Reactor Design for Food and Biological Systems

    FABENG 5405 Basics of reaction kinetics and reactor design. Material balances in a reactor. ...

  9. Better Process Control School

    after July 25 or for no-shows. In the event of a low attendee registration, the Food Industries Center ... book to the new attendee. Baseline technical skills necessary for online courses Basic computer and ...

  10. Trick or Treat Save the Date!

    This year the Wooster campus Trick or Treat will be held on October 30th from 11am-4pm! ...
