
Search results

  1. Coffee Hour with Citation Needed

    Let’s talk about GMO’s! Are they good or bad? Are they healthy or dangerous? Why do we use them? Join Citation Needed for an engaging discussion about this controversial topic in food and agriculture! Bring your questions and opinions. They will provide t ...

  2. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2013-31

    month before the next rain event. The latest 16-day rainfall outlook can be found at the NWS Ohio River ...

  3. Diversity Student Outreach and Recruitment Advisory Group

    Do you have an interest in supporting the outreach and recruitment of underrepresented students to The Ohio State University? Have you thought about how you can contribute to recruiting and supporting a diverse campus community? If yes, then join the Offi ...

  4. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2008-15

    will be available for certified crop advisors. The event is sponsored by OSU Extension offices in ... the event from the north will need to take S.R. 79 south through Buckeye Lake from I 70 to ...

  5. Buffalo Wild Wings Fundraiser – Pre-Vet Club

    OSU Pre-Vet Club is hosting a Buffalo Wild Wings Fundraiser October 17- October 18 from 11am-2am. Come out to Buffalo Wild Wings, watch football, and eat wings! Show our flyer and 10% of the proceeds will go toward OSU Pre-Vet Club!! The flyer can be show ...

  6. Apply to Towers

    Towers Agricultural Honorary is once again accepting applications for membership in their Honorary organization. Online Application for admission to Towers closes on Oct. 17 at 5pm. If you have any questions please contact: Aislinn Latham at latham.112@os ...

  7. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2013-23

    product called “Status”, basically a Dicamba product,  BASF is supplying low-drift air induction nozzles ...

  8. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2012-09

    storm events have also contributed very significantly to the loss of both sediment bound phosphorus ... (soil erosion) and biologically available phosphorus (field runoff and tile discharge) and these events ...

  9. Past Events


  10. Animal Welfare Judging Team

    Interested in scientifically assessing animal welfare? Be a part of the undergraduate Animal Welfare Judging Team! We are competing at the Intercollegiate Animal Welfare Judging/Assessment Contest at Ohio State November 12-13. This year we will be assessi ...
