
Search results

  1. Dairy 101: October 2- 4

    ​Ordinance ​(PMO) ​and ​basic ​concepts ​of ​quality ​assurance ​and ​quality ​control ​and ​sensory ...

  2. Oats as a Late Summer Forage Crop

    per acre and applying 50 lb/acre of nitrogen at planting.  With most seed oats or triple cleaned feed ... are present, a chemical application of Glyphosate plus 2,4-D can be used to clean fields up before ...

  3. Research Resources

    conduct both basic and translational science, OSU Extension is a major partner in many of these studies. ...

  4. Better Process Control School Acidified Food Only

    Principles of Acidified Foods Principles of Thermal Processing Principles of Food Plant Sanitation Food ... the event of a low attendee registration or weather emergency, the Food Industries Center will ...

  5. Dairy 101: Introduction to Dairy Processing and Management

    ​Ordinance ​(PMO) ​and ​basic ​concepts ​of ​quality ​assurance ​and ​quality ​control ​and ​sensory ... after April 2 or for no-shows. In the event of a low attendee registration or weather emergency, the ...

  6. Dairy Lab for Improved Quality

    Environmental sampling procedures and techniques Sanitation swabbing Course Fee The cost to attend is $695 per ... will be given for cancellations after May 3 or for no-shows. In the event of a low attendee ...

  7. Better Process Control School

    Sanitation Food Container Handling Records and Recordkeeping Equipment, Instrumentation, and Operation for ... given for cancellations after March 5 or for no-shows. In the event of a low attendee registration or ...

  8. Better Process Control School Acidified Foods

    Principles of Acidified Foods Principles of Thermal Processing Principles of Food Plant Sanitation Food ... to receive a partial refund. There is a $50 cancelation fee. In the event of a low attendee ...

  9. How to grow grass even greener

    Green lawns, clean water and healthy honey bees can go hand in hand. The 13th annual Northeast ... Ohio Lawn Care Seminar helped show how. Held in June at OARDC, the event gave training to the region’s ... Sessions focused on environmentally sound maintenance practices, said the event’s program planner, Joe ...

  10. Dairy Lab Workshop

    interpret split sample results Environmental sampling procedures and techniques Sanitation swabbing Course ... days before the course date to receive a partial refund. There is a $50 cancelation fee. In the event ...
