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"Distribution of Benefits from Land Conservation" presented by Dr. Amy Ando, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Seminar Series. This event is open to the public. Reservations are not required, but space is limited. ...
Blue attends the Smithfield Foods Explore Seminar
event,” said Dr. Shannon Washburn, professor and chair of the Department of Agricultural Communication, ...
Agricultural and Horticultural Field Crop Recertification
call 614-292-4070 at least two weeks prior to the event. Commercial Pesticide License Requirements: ...
Ohio Commercial Pesticide Recertification Conference- Columbus- 2023
a disability, please call 614-292-4070 at least two weeks prior to the event. Commercial Pesticide License ...
N/A Personal protective equipment (provide, clean, maintain PPE and prevent heat illness). N/A N/A ... instructions for people who clean PPE. Exchange information with custom applicators and independent crop ...
Ohio State Students win Gold Medal at 2022 iGem Competition
community and collaboration. The iGEM Grand Jamboree is an annual event that showcases over 300 teams ...
Overholt International Drainage Hall of Fame Inducts Two Drainage Experts
this elite group of drainage experts. The event was held on Wednesday, August 31, 2022, in conjunction ...
Wreaths for Our Veterans- Ceremony
a ceremony where each veteran will have a wreath placed upon their grave. Please see the event flyer. ...
CSM Majors to Start New Club and Support Growing Community
other Thursday in the Agricultural Engineering Building and have all sorts of events, such as creating ...
Ohio Commercial Pesticide Recertification Conference- Akron- 2023
a disability, please call 614-292-4070 at least two weeks prior to the event. Commercial Pesticide License ...