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  1. ACEL Welcome Back

    students with fun activities and homemade ice cream. Event will start at 3pm in the Agricultural ...

  2. Data Management Basics for Agricultural Data

    Working with agricultural data can lead to a variety of challenges including discipline specific issues such as: questions about ownership, difficulties in ‘matching’ or aggregating data, and data being linked to land value. This is all in addition to the ...

  3. Alumni Receive Awards at National Conference

    a hand wherever needed, whether that means helping in the classroom, volunteering at events, or coaching ... agriscience education major, visit or call 614.247.6358. Pictures from the event can be seen on ...

  4. Advanced CIP, Cleaning and Sanitation for Food and Dairy Industries, Columbus

    Registration, $795 per person by Nov. 5 deadline. $845 after deadline. Information:  ...

  5. Ohio State Food, Ag, Env Calendar Listings as of Aug. 2, 2013

    Elizabeth (Betsy) Ludwig COLUMBUS, Ohio-- Here are upcoming events involving Ohio State ...

  6. Educational Resources

    and keep trees healthy and alive. Forests are great places to play, but they also keep our air clean ...

  7. Vegetable Gardening Basics

    It’s Spring! We’ll break down garden duties into three parts: Planning, Planting, and Maintaining. For first time gardeners or as a refresher after a long, cold winter, leave with a month-by-month plan of major tasks in the garden and how to use your time ...

  8. Tips to improve study time for our teens

    cleaning the driveway and sidewalks the next time we get a couple of inches of snow. I hope this list of ...

  9. Ohio State Food, Ag, Env Calendar Listings as of Oct. 16

    Elizabeth (Betsy) Ludwig COLUMBUS, Ohio-- Here are upcoming events involving Ohio State ...

  10. Stacy to complete internship with Ohio Bioproducts Innovation Center

    a communication plan, managing social media, and scheduling and staffing events. “We are excited to provide ...
