
Search results

  1. Outdoor Recreation and Parks Links

    to plan events/education) Lake Erie Charter Boat Association (promotes sound fisheries management in ...

  2. Ohio State Hosts Welfare Contest

    Ohio Poultry Association. The 2016 event is scheduled to occur at The Ohio State University and will ...

  3. Agricultural Communication 5170

    The Department of Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership is excited to offer a new course in International Development Theory and Practice (Agricultural Communication 5170) this coming Spring Semester, taught by Dr. Mary Rodriguez. In this ...

  4. CFAES 60th Annual Recognition Banquet

    received a CFAES Internship Award. To read more about the event and a run-down of the awardees, visit, ...

  5. Former ENR Masters Student is New Executive Director of MORPC

    director in Janaury 2013. There will be several meetings and events where you will have an opportunity to ...

  6. 101st Little International

    International April 11, 2015. Kaitlyn Hinds and Karlie Lane co-chaired the event. The Saddle and Sirloin Club is ...

  7. Gates Millennium-HSF Bridge Builders Forum

    interactive event designed to provide Ohio’s underrepresented youth the tools and motivation to complete high ...

  8. Tree School

    backyard, tree ID, invasive species management and much, much more! This all day event will be heodl on the ...

  9. $3+ Million NIH Grant Funds Earth Scientist's Work on Medical Implants

    a scientific discipline defined by size, basically just the study of small things and is truly ...

  10. Alumni Connection Spring 2015

    Game Career Bootcamp Important Dates/Events Alumni Spotlight: An SENR Graduate in the White House By ... two decades, and although no longer on the Executive Council, he continues to attend events and ... focuses on low cost events that provide an opportunity for recent graduates to network with other ...
