
Search results

  1. OSU Outreach and Engagement Forum

    the university. The event is free and open to the public. A listing of programs participating in the ...

  2. $3+ Million NIH Grant Funds Earth Scientist's Work on Medical Implants

    a scientific discipline defined by size, basically just the study of small things and is truly ...

  3. 101st Little International

    International April 11, 2015. Kaitlyn Hinds and Karlie Lane co-chaired the event. The Saddle and Sirloin Club is ...

  4. 4th Annual Buckeye Classic Meat Judging Contest

    The Meat Science Club in the Department of Animal Sciences challenges CFAES Clubs and organizations to try meat judging! The 4th annual Buckeye Classic Meat Judging Contest will be held on November 1st from 7:30-8:30pm in Animal Sciences building room 111 ...

  5. CFAES 60th Annual Recognition Banquet

    received a CFAES Internship Award. To read more about the event and a run-down of the awardees, visit, ...

  6. Gates Millennium-HSF Bridge Builders Forum

    interactive event designed to provide Ohio’s underrepresented youth the tools and motivation to complete high ...

  7. Ohio’s Worst Woodland Invaders and How to Stop Them: May 20

    They’ll show how in a workshop in northeast Ohio.   The event is called Forest Health: Non-Native Invasive ...

  8. Animal Science Clothing Orders!

    The Dept. of Animal Sciences is now taking orders for embroidered and screen print clothing items (button up shirts, polos, jackets, vests, sweatshirts, hats, etc.). This is only done once a year and everything is "made to order”. In other words, the ...

  9. Ohio State to Host Workshop for Businesses on Measuring Sustainability

    VP of corporate communications at Greif Inc., who will offer the event’s lunchtime keynote address. ...

  10. Autumn 2015 SENR Seminar Series

    Environment and Natural Resources   Monday Nov. 2 A special event held at 7:00 p.m. in Mershon Auditorium. ...
