
Search results

  1. Better Science through Better Mentoring

    The Center for the Improvement of Mentored Experiences in Research (CIMER) has developed a curriculum based on proven mentorship development curricula. ...

  2. Getting a Job on the Farm- Labor Issues for Young Farm Workers

    the Farm Science Review,three-day event. The display will target teens younger than 16 looking for ...

  3. Beyond Google Scholar Workshop

    Beyond Google Scholar workshop on Tuesday, March 5, because 50 focused and fabulous articles are better than 50,000 possible articles. ...

  4. WinterFest Rescheduled to Feb. 27

    WinterFest is February 27 at the SAC. ...

  5. Celebrate Black History Month- RSVP TODAY

    To help celebrate Black History Month, everyone is invited to a Soul Food Dinner hosted by OSU Mansfield and North Central State College on February 21st at 5:30 pm. RSVP by February 13. ...

  6. Academic Integrity for Instructors

    Jay Hobgood of the Committee on Academic Misconduct will present "Academic Integrity for Instructors" on March 26, 2019 at 11:30 am in SK 030.  ...

  7. The Plant Protective Box

    boxes worked for them. If all else fails, clean out your garage or your basement to see if you can come ...

  8. Six honored by CFAES

    at an event in Columbus on March 7, 2015.  ...

  9. Upcoming ATI Book Club discussions

    Feb. 26, March 28, and April 23 are the ATI Book Club discussion dates for the remainder of the semester. ...

  10. Green Home Workshop

    efficiency. The deadline to register for the workshop is May 12. The event is $10 for students, $18 for ...
