
Search results

  1. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2004-33

    September 27, 2004- October 4, 2004 Andy Kleinschmidt In This Issue: The Basics of Fall Herbicide ... for Fertilizers European Corn Borer Populations in Ohio Fall Sampling for Slugs The Basics of Fall ... conditions. Since late season flooding is an uncommon event, little information is available on its effects on ...

  2. CFAES Spring Job Shadow

    There is a job shadowing opportunity for students on March 23 from 9AM-4:30PM. RSVP on  Hireabuckeye  under 'Workshops' by March 16. Students will be exposed to numerous presentations about the organization and what our job duties entail. The pr ...

  3. FREE Welcome Back Event – Southern African Animals

    Mr. Andrew Schafer, Southern Africa safari guide and animal behaviorist, will share some of his adventures and discuss how to get involved in opportunities in South Africa.   When: Thursday Aug 24th 6:30‐8:30pm Where: 111 Animal Science   Presented By: OS ...

  4. Conversations on the Future of Extension

    Extension’s role. Upcoming Events Future of Leadership Session, ESP National Meeting  – October 7, 2014 Vice ...

  5. What is the Meaning of Feekes Growth Stages in Wheat?

    of a new growth event. Each number may be further divided by using decimals to further describe ...

  6. Wexner Medical Center and James Cancer Hospital Tour

    Undergraduate students: You’re Invited! Pharmacy Career Services has partnered with the Wexner Medical Center/James Cancer Hospital to provide a unique learning experience for BSPS & other undergraduate students to tour the facility and meet pharmacy ...

  7. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2010-31

    about the timing of sample collection and avoid moisture extremes. Avoid contamination.  Use clean ... probes for sampling and clean buckets for mixing. After receiving the analysis from the lab, go the ...

  8. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2006-25

    Extension, will be conducting the Clean Sweep Program at three locations in Ohio to collect old or unwanted ... Extension, and Stillwater Watershed and A.C.E. (Agriculture for a Clean Environment) groups are co-sponsoring ...

  9. AWBC Meeting

    The next Animal Welfare & Behavior Club meeting will be February 28th at 5:30 pm in Enarson 238. Dr. Teresa Burns will be speaking about soring and controversial issues in the horse racing industry. Cane's chicken fingers will be provided! Hope t ...

  10. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2008-06

    the 20 Percent Refuge Why I Inoculate Soybeans Crop Production Basics Still Deliver the Most Profit ...,   Crop Production Basics Still Deliver the Most Profit Authors: Jim ... profitable. With all this excitement, it is easy to forget the basic principles that are the foundation of ...
