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Sudden Oak Death (aka Ramorum blight)
controlling P. ramorum in nurseries is to make certain that incoming stock has been certified to be clean of ... Cultural Practices It follows from above that proper sanitation of all equipment, boots, car tires, and ...
Family Mealtime: Routines and Rituals
Mondays or Stir-Fry Saturdays. Make the meal preparation and clean up tasks fun and consistent. Listen to ... music, play games during preparation or clean up time. Delegate chores to each family member, such as ... shopping, preparing, or cleaning up. This will make the workload more manageable and will encourage family ...
Home Alone: Is My Child Old Enough?
persons are strangers, too). Learn how to do basic first aid (completing a Red Cross course is ... handle them safely. At the end of this process, you must be confident that your child can do basic ...
Dust and Mold for Trainers and Supervisors
Basically, an individual becomes allergic to dust and mold. With Farmer’s Lung, the immune system cannot ... fresh, clean, and fit-tested. However, the best protection is a particulate respirator: tested and ...
Pruning and Care of Tree Wounds
damage. There are some caveats to these basic recommendations depending upon the type of tree. Examples ... limbs. Sharp implements that produce a clean cut will result in faster callus formation and healing. As ...
Wind Energy Development as an Economic Development Strategy for Rural Areas
well as manufacture component parts for the industry. Utility Wind Basics Utility scale wind ... Business and Land Ownership Community Energy and Environment alternative energy wind farms clean energy ...
Safe Handling of Livestock Medications
Livestock medicines, vaccines, syringes, and needles should be stored in a clean, dry, frost-free, locked ... local irritation to reactions that affect the entire body. If someone is stuck by a needle, clean the ...
Horse Manure Management
cleaned. Simply pick a stall clean with a manure fork, then add about 1/2 cup of ammonium nitrate or ...
First-aid Kits
balls for cleaning wounds or applying medication Splints ¼ inch thick, ½ inch wide, 12-15 inches long ... container for cleaning Ice packs (chemical ice bags) to use to reduce swelling Insect bite kit Several pairs ...
First Grade: Fun Summer Time Activities and Games
wash the chalk away or you can provide a water hose or a pail of water for clean up. On a warm day, ... cleaning up with a water hose may be just as much fun as drawing! Create Colorful Windsocks —For each ...