
Search results

  1. Pancakes with Pollinators at Ohio State Mansfield

    pancakes served with Ohio State Maple Syrup. The EcoLab event was held during Welcome Week (August 25) on ... event available here. Outreach Pollinators Ohio State Mansfield Maple syrup ...

  2. NIFA Invests in project to build farmer-led organic research in Ohio

    participate in the project’s monthly meetings and/or upcoming in-person events. Build the network- get ...

  3. Check This Out If You Are One Who Routinely Multitasks

    and watching TV” and “studying and texting.”   Multitasking: Why we do it Here are the basic findings ... clean or having personal time each day may challenge us because others are involved. Step 2: Decide that ...

  4. From Fair Board to Camp Counselor, 4-H Offers Hands-On Experiences

    opportunities to sign up to help organize and implement 4-H events.  They oversee keeping track of event dates, ...

  5. EPN's Breakfast- Tuesday, October 10, 2023: Designing Circular Economy Strategies from within the Textiles and Fashion Industries

    This event will feature Steven Bethell (co-founder, Bank & Vogue), Dr. Connie Ulasewicz ...

  6. Director's Note, Aug. 31

    Sept. 12. Details for these events are below. Plan to celebrate Homecoming with SENR! SENR will host on Oct. ... scavenger hunt. Registration for Homecoming events  is available here. I hope to see you all soon. Please ... Interim Director Upcoming events & Event(s):  Event name:  Rivers and Parks + Imagination + Design: ...

  7. Spotted Lanternfly Resources   In the News August Press Release from the Ohio Department of Agriculture- ...

  8. SENR Announcements, October 12

    under Happenings to access link for more information on this event). And... about last week  SENR hosted ... Hiking: Conkles Hollow part of the SENR Community Event Series brought to you by the SENR Ambassadors ... November 19- Fall Hiking: Alum Creek part of the SENR Community Event Series brought to you by the SENR ...

  9. Natural Resources Data Analysis

    ENR 2000 Introductory data analysis course that focuses on understanding and applying basic ...

  10. Tips To Keep Livestock Cool

    plenty of clean fresh water for your animals is vital for their health. During hot weather water ... water is clean and fresh. When animals are not drinking enough water their dry matter intake declines ...
