
Search results

  1. SMART Start Money Training

    Money is an educational curriculum designed to teach children ages 3-5 the basic concepts of money. ...

  2. Cooperative Connection Newsletter Now Available

    including registration details for events. Click on the November-December button below to access the latest ...

  3. Kick – Off Event with OSU EES and FLOW!

    the Lower Olentangy Watershed have helped clean up the debris. The last clean up in November (on the ... Saturday (8/24) to clean up the Olentangy River at Tuttle Park at 9 a.m. Registration will be located at ... Engineering FABE Olentangy clean up Engineering Ohio State ...

  4. Estate Planning This multi-step series explores the different ... areas to consider during basic estate planning. These fact sheets should in no manner be considered as ...

  5. Meet Forrest Lang: Pushing Personal Boundaries to a Distinguished Level of Service

    the organization's funds by reducing the club's spending, managing basic expenses and ... experience something new, not only in courses, but also through organizations and events," he said.  ...

  6. A Day in the Woods series 'ADVICE from the WOODS'

    to register and to submit your questions for this event. ...

  7. Partner of the Year Awards-Glen Helen Association and Brukner Nature Center recognized

    awards event September 16, beginning at 6 p.m. through a virtual gathering on the internet. Please see ...

  8. FABE Student Supplies Frontline Workers with Personal Protective Equipment

    numerous kinds of personal protective equipment (PPE), including face shields, gloves and hand sanitizer ...

  9. Register Soon for Greenhouse Hydroponics Workshop

    water without soil. The event is Feb. 8-9 at the  Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center ... organizer. She said the event is for anyone wanting to learn how to produce food hydroponically, including ... agriculture. Their topics will include lighting basics, managing humidity and controlling environments for ...

  10. CFAES & FABE 2021 Distinguished Seniors

    including the CSM club, CSM Industry Advisory Council events and mentoring programs, and events with the ...
