
Search results

  1. Soils and Soil Health

    slightly acidic to neutral. Some crops or plants require more acidic soils, and some prefer more basic ... less runoff and fewer nutrient loss events improved habitat for pollinators and wildlife healthier ...

  2. Urban Food Systems Symposium Early Registration Closes April 12

    early registration prices through April 12. The event includes keynote speakers, a grower panel, 40 ...

  3. Slips, Trips, and Falls

    direction. • Maintain floors, pathways and walking surfaces (keep them clean, dry and free from clutter). ... and low heels. • Close drawers, cabinets, doors and closets after use. Housekeeping •  Clean up spills ... climbing or descending stairs. • Keep staircases clean and uncluttered to prevent trips. • Avoid carrying ...

  4. Personal Eye Protection

    shape. Discard pitted or scratched eye wear. Eye wear should be clean and defogged. Protective eye wear ... should fit snugly and be reasonably comfortable under conditions of use. Keep protective eye wear clean ... Clean the lenses thoroughly with soap and water. Disinfect eye wear that has been exposed to a hazardous ...

  5. Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Blueberries, Blackberries, and Raspberries

    following fact sheets: Drying Fruits and Vegetables, HYG-5347 Preserving Pie Fillings, HYG-5355 Basics for ...

  6. Personal Eye Protection for Trainers and Supervisors

    eyewear. Eyewear should be clean and defogged. Protective eyewear should fit snugly. It should be ... reasonably comfortable under conditions of use. Keep Protective Eyewear Clean Clean the lenses thoroughly ... someone else. Store clean eye wear in a closed, dustproof case. Plastic bags with a zipper work well. To ...

  7. Application of High-Pressure-Based Technologies in the Food Industry

    food processors to satisfy consumer demand for clean-label products. During HPP, the treated products ... beverages. The liquid food is packaged into a large, pre-sanitized, large-volume polymer bag (up to 500 ... has the potential to create various clean-label liquid foods, emulsions, and sauces. What are Other ...

  8. Farm to Table: OSU Extension Launches Online Food Business Central

    basics, legal startup and insurance, and marketing and economics. The other five modules focus on foods ... Extension Faculty and Staff News Tips and Events Research Media Advisory Business and Economics ...

  9. Using °Brix as an Indicator of Vegetable Quality: Instructions for Measuring °Brix in Cucumber, Leafy Greens, Sweet Corn, Tomato, and Watermelon

    accurate and consistent readings throughout the growing season. Clean Clean the refractometer and press ... wipe to clean the refractometer. The lens contains glass and should not be damaged. Drying the well ... taking °Brix readings for the day, clean and put away the refractometer. It is best to store ...

  10. Task Lighting for Trainers and Supervisors

    Use light colors on walls, ceilings, and floors to reflect light. Keep these surfaces clean. Keep ... workplaces well lighted. Replace and clean lights regularly. To prevent shadows, light the work area, ... walls, ceilings, and floors to reflect light. Keep these surfaces clean.     T     F 2. Keep workplaces ...
