
Search results

  1. Career Expo attracts record number of employers

    company representatives present were OSU grads. The event has grown dramatically from its first year, when 14 companies ... attended and the event was held in Skou Lounge.  According to Adam Cahill, career development manager for ... of the event is the decision to hold Ohio State ATI's career expo back-to-back with the CFAES ...

  2. Research Navigation Symposium

    Cayuse. For a full listing of sessions and descriptions, please visit the GDSU website. The event is free ...

  3. Vaccination Requirement

    P.A., or N.P. In the event of non-compliance, the student will be notified and instructed on how to ...

  4. Healthier Lifestyles

    cleaning the garage or washing the car.  You don’t have to spend money or go someplace special, just the ...

  5. Monitor Beef Cattle Body Condition

    to maintain basic body functions and to stay warm.  Mud is worse than rain alone.  In muddy ...

  6. No-Till Field Day In Wooster

    pm.  The event is organized by the Ohio No-Till Council with assistance from the Wayne County SWCD and ... August 22.  Day of the event, on-site registration is $65.  There is a special student discount ...

  7. ATI Book Club

    This month the ATI Book Club is reading The Operator by Gretchen Berg. Harper Collins describes it as " a clever, surprising, and ultimately moving debut novel, set in a small Midwestern town in the early 1950s...." The fun twist for us is that ...

  8. Ghana STEAM Project Based Learning Workshops

    a teacher education event. Students prepared and led workshops on Building Biodigesters for Cookstove Fuel, ...

  9. Farm Management Seminar

    Developing Your Balance Sheet Basics of Finance Jan 21 Developing Your Business Plan Jan 28 Farm Transition ...

  10. Farm Management Seminar

    Developing Your Balance Sheet Basics of Finance Jan 21 Developing Your Business Plan Jan 28 Farm Transition ...
