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Easily Collect and Manage Calving Records in Real-Time
calving-related events is key to reducing the prevalence of stillbirth around parturition and improving calf ... procedures (SOP). The app captures those calving-related events associated with stillbirth and calf ... calving-related events for both dam and calf (e.g., parity, breed, body condition score, hygiene of perineum, ...
National Animal Identification System for Cattle
programs enhance source verification, which has become a major issue of some marketing programs. The Basic ... location, and responsible person to contact in the event of an emergency. Ohio has received $130,000 to ... that they have access to this information. Basically, access to the national identification database ...
Garden Art Sale
garden, whimsical and colorful items will highlight the selection! This event will be held in conjunction ...
New App Helps Farmers Know When to Spray or Spread
In the event that a forecast is wrong, historical forecasts may provide documentation that farmers ...
EEDS/SUSTAINS Discussion with Sustainability Steward, City of Columbus
Joint event for students in the Environment, Economy, Development, and Sustainability (EEDS) ... The event will feature refreshments and a discussion with the Sustainability Steward for the City of ...
“Minority Representation in Local Government and Distributional Outcomes”
on the other hand, has limited effects on housing values in either type of neighborhood. This event ...
Environmental Stewardship- Minimizing Risk and Being Prepared
near the phone, and 4) a clean-up plan. In addition to developing an Emergency Action Plan to address ...
Ohio State's Participation in the Midwest and National Dairy Challenge Programs
Eric Weitzel. It was a clean sweep for the Big 10 at this year's North American Intercollegiate ...
“This Time Is Different: Why the Current Low Commodity Prices Lead to Different Outcomes than in the 1980s”
Economics This event is open to the public. No RSVP is necessary. ...
Experiential Learning Initiative in Sustainability Launches First Project
an alternative to the fossil fuel industry. IP-USA is deploying a variety of “clean” technologies for ...