
Search results

  1. Winter Teat Care for Dairy Cows

    recommends continuing the normal dipping routine but take extra steps for protection including: Use a clean ...

  2. Provost's Discovery Themes Lecturer Program: Donna Shalala

    While the conference is a paid event, the lecture itself is free and open to the public with required ...

  3. All Day Art

    All day art  Have a break between classes? Need to get away from Zoom? Sign up for a time block and complete a project at the SAC! Spaces are limited to 9 people per hour so sign up fast to secure your time!   When: Thursday September 17th Hours are from ...

  4. Grab a friend for Buddy Bingo!

    Buddy Bingo Night! Grab a friend for some Buddy Bingo!!  How it works- each player has a Buddy while playing traditional bingo. If either Buddy wins a bingo, BOTH Buddies win!!!  Prizes all around!!! So bring a buddy and zoom in on Tuesday September 15 at ...

  5. Staff Council brings Umami Bites food truck to campus, September 17th

    Join the Wooster Campus Staff Council for lunch at the ATI Skou Tent! You’ll be able to purchase a delicious lunch from Umami Bites. ...

  6. Chow Line: With Holiday Baking Season in Full Swing, a Reminder from CDC to Just Say No to Eating Raw Dough

    eggs until they are cooked. clean up thoroughly after handling flour, eggs, or raw dough by washing ...

  7. Ohio State Engagement Recognition Awards

    The event is free and open to the public. RSVP requested at For more ...

  8. Fall Manure Application to Wheat and other Fields

    of a rain event, and/or by incorporating the manure at the time of application or within a few hours ...

  9. Forage Toxicities and Frost Events

    poisoning following a frost event.  Some other species that may be in or near pastures and hay fields and ... livestock graze any plants in the sorghum family immediately following a frost event.  However, because ...

  10. Help Needed for Large Mailing about the New Jr. Fair Livestock Center

     we really need your help stuffing a large mailing about the new Junior Fair Livestock and Events ...
