
Search results

  1. Holiday Spending: Curb Your Urge To Splurge

    movies, attend a Hanukkah, Kwanza or Christmas Eve service, attend a holiday-focused community event ...

  2. Wayne County Fair Exhibitors Update

    all for the patience and cooperation during this event.  As we discussed with many of you yesterday, ...

  3. With Changing Climate, Farmers Should Prepare

    has increased, and extreme rain events are far more common, Wilson said. With more water in the ... enterprises, production systems and marketing strategies. The Review is the largest agricultural event in Ohio ...

  4. Earl McMunn Contemporary Issues in Ag Forum

    panelist discussion will start at 7 p.m.  This year we will be discussing the Farm Bill.  This event is ...

  5. Display Garden Day Thursday, Aug. 1

    Visit the All-America Selections display garden on Thursday, Aug. 1 from 3-6 p.m. ...

  6. 2017 Junior Fair Schedule Finalized

    board ruled that the 2017 fair schedule of events will not be changing to different days of the week ...

  7. Fertilizer Applicator Recertification Programs

    you to the program January 25:  Shearer Equipment John Deere Day.  As part of this event fertilizer ...

  8. Local Foods Week

    educators are working with communities to showcase their local food producers through special events and ...

  9. Wooster Staff Council Showing Liar Liar- July 26

    This Friday, July 26, Wooster Staff Council will be hosting a free movie (Liar Liar, starring Jim Carrey). The movie will be shown during lunch at Fisher Auditorium (12:00-1:30pm). ...

  10. Wooster Campus FunFest

    Wooster Campus FunFest Wednesday, August 14 from 11:30-3pm at the new Secrest Arboretum Welcome Center ...
