
Search results

  1. ASM 3330- Grain Handling, Drying, and Milling

    Looking to take a free or technical elective this spring? We are offering a new course in Agricultural Systems Management; ASM 3330- Grain Handling, Drying, and Milling. I have attached a flyer with more details. Students will gain knowledge on the princi ...

  2. Human-Animal Interactions Club

    The Human-Animal Interactions Club is having an animal trainer from the Columbus Zoo guest speak on January 24 th  from 5:30-6:30! Hope to see you there! ...

  3. Photo Contest

    What was your most memorable human-animal interaction in 2018??? Send CHAIRE a photo with a brief description for a chance to win prizes and to be featured on their website and social media! Submissions are due by January 14th, 2019 at 11:59pm. ...

  4. Agricultural Communication 5170

    The Department of Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership is excited to offer a new course in International Development Theory and Practice (Agricultural Communication 5170) this coming Spring Semester, taught by Dr. Mary Rodriguez. In this ...

  5. Two Warren County Teens Take 2nd at the 2014 Film Fest 4-H If you’re a 4-H member interested in learning more about film making, watch for details in early ...

  6. ASI Eastern Region Predator Control Workshop

    Control Workshop and Ohio Sheep Day event, a lamb luncheon is included as part of registration for the ... event. No pre-registration is necessary. For further questions regarding the ASI Eastern Region Predator ...

  7. Southeastern Intercollegiate Meat Judging Contest

    Vaughn-Bright) represented Ohio Sate during the two-day event and results are as follows: OSU-Scarlet Team was ...

  8. Mullins attends National Collegiate Research Conference

    Undergraduate Research Association. The event was held January 22-24, 2015. The NCRC "is a platform for ...

  9. Dr. Lyda Garcia Brings Passion for Meat Science & Agriculture to the Department

    events and recruitment, CFAES Faculty Council, and Departmental committees. Dr. Garcia brings her passion ...

  10. Ohio State Fair Junior Horse Show-Dressage Show

    permitted.     Registration Form   Event Details: The Dressage Show will be held in conjunction with the Ohio ...
