
Search results

  1. In search of the 2014-15 Ohio Lamb and Wool Queen…

    industry throughout her year of reign at numerous promotional events and activities around the state. The ... Lamb and Wool Queen to make an appearance at your local event, please contact Kristin Reese at ...

  2. News: Annual Garden Open House is Aug. 7 and 8

    MacDowell Music Club). The event is free and open to the public. Extensive free parking is located on ...

  3. Data Show Faculty Profiles are Important

    information or edits to hendrick.17. In addition, any news articles or events posted to the website are ... related to the pertinent people involved, thus, connecting you to your current events and happenings. Have ...

  4. SURI Registration

    Summer Undergraduate Research Institute. SURI provides weekly social and professional development events ...

  5. RSVP For Employee Fun Fest

    Don't forget to RSVP for the Employee Fun Fest. All activities are FREE! ...

  6. Buckeye Classic Meat Judging Contest

    International contest to compete in their last contest of the year. The event will run from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 ...

  7. Food Science Grad Student Advises U.S. Policy-Makers on Global Food Security

    Results." The purpose of the event was to highlight advances in global food security being made by the U.S. ...

  8. One Health, Conservation Medicine, Ecosystem Health- Protecting People and Planet

    at OSU." Don't miss this event, with keynote presentation by Lonnie King, DVM, Dean, OSU ... Animal Science. Find out more about this event at the Environmental Professionals Network website. ...

  9. Sigma Alpha Recruitment

    events between September 7-21. Contact Megan Dresbach.16 for more information. ...

  10. Ohio Pork Council Internship

    communications based, the selected intern will also work in the areas of member services, event planning and ...
