
Search results

  1. Sharing Knowledge in the Developing World: Ohio State Scientist Helps Fight Plant Diseases, Poverty

    said. The event included a hands-on grafting session led by Miller’s colleagues from the Institut ...

  2. Small Animal Barn Clean Up


  3. First-of-its-kind Wastewater Treatment System Saves Turkey Processor Millions, Protects Environment

    using was previously a junkyard that we just had to clean up. Everything was right here. If you're ...

  4. 4-H Helps Teen Transcend Learning Disability, Provides Beeline for Successful Future

    a year ago at a public speaking event, I revealed that I had fetal alcohol syndrome,” he said. “It ...

  5. Ohio State University Researchers Working with Farmers to Protect Ohio Water Quality, Lessen Algal Blooms

    bloom. While current causes of the DRP increase are unidentified, experts believe increased rain events ...

  6. Canning Basics: Community Class offered in partnership with OSU Extension, Fulton County

    For anyone who cans food for home use or would like to know how to begin... Patrice Powers-Barker from OSU Extension, Lucas County and Melissa Rupp from OSU Extension, Fulton County will co-present a free 2 hour class on canning:  both water bath canning ...

  7. For Ohio State Scientist Fred Michel, Sustainability Is a Way of Life

    of educational programs in the community, organizes events focused on green energy and sustainability, and has ...

  8. Heiby to complete Ohio agriscience education internship

    education and works very hard to ensure that all of the programs and events we host are well planned and ...

  9. Ohio Ice Wine Is Hot — Share It With Your Valentine

    attendance at the event, now in its 12th year, has grown to several thousand. Details are at ...

  10. 4-H Officer Books

    duties because you perform it at all times—not just while you are at 4-H events.  Go to 'Helpful ...
