
Search results

  1. Fruit Tree Workshop and DSU Banquet Dates and Info

    include insect and disease identification and management, soil sampling basics for fruit trees, and ... dairy service unit dsu banquet events fruit tree pruning orchard ANR Agriculture and Natural ...

  2. Meals On The Go: Plan, Slow Cook, Time, Delegate; Lentil Soup Recipe

    preparation and clean up so that additional activities may be enjoyed by all. Guidelines For The Slow Cooker ... safe. • Slow cookers, cook foods at temperatures between 170 and 280 degrees. • Begin with a clean ... cooker, clean utensils and a clean work area. Wash hands before and during food preparation. • Keep ...

  3. Ohio Maple Days

    season. Featured speakers will cover recent weather effects, new research, spout and tubing sanitation ...

  4. Early Grazing Can Mean Pasture Problems

    still see the last grazing event (torn or bitten leaf ends), then you shouldn’t be grazing yet. I’ve ... is and briefly about poison hemlock. 10 Upcoming Events Some events that are coming up include ... event attendees will be able to create their own hanging basket to take home. If you are interested in ...

  5. Key Concepts

    home Basic manners such as please, thank you, excuse me and polite interruption Students learn: ...

  6. JCEP Award Recipients

    Shannon Carter,  and  Stan Smith:  $500 for their Celebration of Local Foods in Fairfield County event ...

  7. Young Adult

    tools, and resources in a series of nine classes that focus on meal planning, cooking skills, basic ...

  8. Award Trips, Conferences & More

    Scholarships are available to help cover the costs of some of the events. Deadlines vary for enrollment and ... (back to top) ...

  9. Yellow Pie Plate Research Helps Families Resolve Heirloom Conflict

    parents in cleaning out my grandparent’s home.  Oh, there have been moments of “why did they keep this?”  ... newspaper clippings marking current events like the bombing of Pearl Harbor.  The hats, clothing from the ...

  10. 36th Annual Spring Plant Sale and Auction Fundraiser

    more. Proceeds from the event benefit The Ohio State University Chadwick Arboretum, student ... Vendors Proceeds from the event benefit several local business vendors including: Dannaher Landscaping, ...
