
Search results

  1. Summer Coliform Mastitis,

    producers. You can greatly reduce these losses by: 1) Starting now. If you have fans, clean them up. The crud ... sprinklers, verify each nozzle, clean the water line, and don't wait until it gets really hot to see if ...

  2. Minimizing Heat Stress in the Dairy Facility

    that provides a fine mist. If you have a system installed, be sure that it is working properly. Clean ... fans provide the most airflow for the cost of operation. Keep them clean. The spray nozzles should ...

  3. Midwest Regional Dairy Challenge

    their farms to be used as models for the event. As a student, the contest was an excellent opportunity ... me forward in my future career. I am very thankful for the support from the event sponsors and ...

  4. Protecting Teat Skin During Winter

    the teat skin. Sanitize teats with a germicidal predip containing skin conditioner. Blot teats dry ...

  5. Manure Sampling for Nutrient Analysis

    bucket is collected, empty it on to a tarp or a clean surface. Mix all the samples together thoroughly ...

  6. 4th Annual ArboBlitz 2014

    forestry professionals will teach the basics of planting balled and burlapped, container, and seedling ...

  7. Risk Factors for Early Lactation Diseases

    starts, there is a cascade of events that can have a profound effect on the entire lactational ... continue to be exposed to environmental pathogens, but the flushing effect of milking is gone. A dry, clean ... health, lactation performance, and longevity in the herd. Good balanced nutrition and a dry, clean ...

  8. Pay Attention to Dairy Cow Stocking Density

    higher than this, the time drops to under 30 minutes. Basically, cows know that stalls are in demand and ... a stall is available. Stall bedding must be clean and dry. The stall design and size must be matched to ...

  9. Calf Behavior and Bedding Materials

    requires that calves have a clean, dry surface to lay on with ventilation that removes any ammonia near the ...

  10. Does TMR Sampling Provide Useful Nutrient Composition Data?

    The same basic approach as above except the TMR is sampled over multiple days and then variation is ... feedbunk carrying a clean container such as a 5 gal bucket, take a handful of TMR approximately every 10 to ... walked the entire feedbunk, mix the contents of the bucket and then dump the contents onto a clean floor ...
