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  1. New Grant Focuses on Nutrient Management, Cleaner Lake Erie Water

    offices within the Maumee River watershed. These program coordinators will carry out four basic functions: ...

  2. Ohio State Experts Offer Tips on Best Management Practices to Keep Phosphorus on the Field, Improve Water Quality

    Surface-applied manure or fertilizer is subject to runoff events that may occur before the ground thaws and allows ... phosphorus are subject to higher loss if runoff-producing rainfall events happen close to application. ... rotation, phosphorous applications should be applied prior to the tillage, and till before a rain event ...

  3. OSU Extension Expert: Cold Weather Increases Livestock Energy Needs

    temperature and basic body maintenance functions,” he said. “Generally, energy intake must increase by ...

  4. Tips and Events for the Week of July 23

    events 25   Summer Grafting Workshop, 8 a.m. to noon, Secrest Arboretum, Miller Pavilion, Ohio ... more information: August 2018 events 2 Stone Lab Guest Lecture,  7-9 p.m., Stone ...

  5. Volunteer Recognition and Celebration

    event planned to celebrate you and a delicious menu and bar. We hope you can come and bring a friend! We ...

  6. Got Backyard Wildlife Problems? April 14 Workshop Has Solutions

    the event’s sponsor. The college’s outreach arm, Ohio State University Extension, runs the program. ...

  7. Get to Know Your Trees: 1-Day School in Mansfield

    Sciences, the event looks at trees, their care, and the life living in and around them. It’s for gardeners, ...

  8. Economist Reports that the U.S. and Ohio Economies Will Continue to Grow in 2014, Albeit Slowly

    CFAES’s kickoff of its  2013-2014 Agricultural Policy and Outlook series. The event initiates a series of ... at The event featured presentations from experts from the ...

  9. Trade Economist Says China Could Lose Its Competitive Edge Due to Rising Worker Wages

    Agricultural Policy and Outlook series. The event initiates a series of county meetings to be held statewide ... The event featured presentations from experts from the college's Department of Agricultural, ...

  10. Managing Multiple Generations Online

    characteristics, strengths and values that are a result of the shared historical events that occurred during their ...
