
Search results

  1. Ground Breaking Event Held for the Kunz-Brundige Franklin County Extension Building

    On Friday, June 29, over 125 guests gathered at the Waterman Agricultural and Natural Resources Laboratory at The Ohio State University to celebrate the Kunz Brundidge Franklin County Extension Building groundbreaking. Special thanks to Commissioner John ...

  2. Events to Attend

    We are continually adding events. If none are posted, please check back in a couple of days. ...

  3. Adjusting No-till Burndown Programs for Later Planting

    other benefits, the fall treatment provides a clean start in the spring that persists for a while and ...

  4. Agricultural Conservation, Protecting Water: Keeping Soil and Nutrients in the Field

    theme of the Hardin County Field Day on September 18.  The event will start out at the Jerry McBride ... pre-register to ensure a lunch count for the event.  Please call the Hardin Soil and Water Conservation ... District at 419-673-0456 extension 3 by September 10 to attend this free event.  CCA and CLM credits are ...

  5. Welcome to our New 4-H Families!

    doing some spring cleaning, and looking at some new home improvement projects.  This is also the time ...

  6. CCAs...Get Credits at the 2015 Farm Science Review

    clipboard to sign in. We look forward to seeing you there. The Farm Science Review is a fall harvest event ...

  7. Add Safety to your Program!

    to those outreach efforts like a Farm Safety Day Camp, Ag Awareness, Farmers Breakfast, FFA events ...

  8. Farm Science Review 2014: Plan your show

    show now by visiting  and looking at the Schedule of events, Exhibit area maps, and 2014 ...

  9. Is your Emergency Action Plan up to Date?

    sources such as ponds, rivers or streams, in the event of a large structure fire.- Determine the use any ...

  10. Mid-Season Soybean Diseases – What can we Predict?

    4 bushels of yield loss in todays “workhorse” varieties.  If the unifoliates and lower canopy are clean as ...
