
Search results

  1. Ohio State Hosts Welfare Contest

    Ohio Poultry Association. The 2016 event is scheduled to occur at The Ohio State University and will ...

  2. CFAES 60th Annual Recognition Banquet

    received a CFAES Internship Award. To read more about the event and a run-down of the awardees, visit, ...

  3. 101st Little International

    International April 11, 2015. Kaitlyn Hinds and Karlie Lane co-chaired the event. The Saddle and Sirloin Club is ...

  4. Agricultural Communication 5170

    The Department of Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership is excited to offer a new course in International Development Theory and Practice (Agricultural Communication 5170) this coming Spring Semester, taught by Dr. Mary Rodriguez. In this ...

  5. Leave the Tilling to Mother Nature

    change, soil health, cover crops and no-till farming, events sponsored by two farm organizations in ...

  6. Holiday Trains

    Once again our Chair, Dr. John Foltz, has shared his train sets to help decorate for the holidays. This year, both 110 Animal Science Building and 116 Plumb Hall have trains. To celebrate, we're having a friendly competition between the offices! Join ...

  7. Processed Meats Product Show

    The Processed Meats (MEATSCI 4510) class will present its final products on Wednesday, December 5, from 9:10am-11:15am in 117 Animal Science Building, to visitors who want to taste and judge the students' creations. Individuals or teams will produce ...

  8. Strawberry Event

    This is about strawberries ...

  9. Zoo-to-You!

    Pre-Veterinary Medical Association will be hosting Zoo-to-you on November 14 th, 2018 at the Veterinary Medical Center auditorium. Snacks will be provided! Come see animals from the Columbus zoo brought to you! ...

  10. Wehrkamp inducted into Animal Science Hall of Fame

    event took place during the Evening of Excellence recognition program hosted by the Department of Animal ...
