
Search results

  1. Researchers Find Potential 'Dark Side' to Diets High in Beta-Carotene

    materials definitely have anti-vitamin-A properties, and they could basically disrupt or at least affect the ...

  2. Growing Barley and Hops For Local Beer-making

    field night events and the first Friday tours. Interested parties must register by calling McGlothin at ...

  3. Nursery Production Technique Becoming a Growing Trend

    put a tree in the ground, you basically only have two time periods to lift that tree for sale, spring ...

  4. Livestock Manure a Winner As Alternative Spring Crop Fertilizer

    manure application as close to the crop as possible. You basically have one chance per year to make ...

  5. Flooding Could Injure Corn Crop

    just basically knocks the plant out." Thomison said that growers should begin assessing potential ...

  6. Drought-Stressed Corn Struggling to Produce a Crop

    have just basically caused the plants to shut down," he said. Add insect pressure to the mix and ...

  7. Using Carbon Trading to Boost Economics of Developing Countries

    food production could increase by 32 million tons every year, basically eliminating that food ...

  8. OSU Extension and 4-H Team Up on ATV Safety

    and adults need training to increase their skill level, help them appreciate basic riding techniques, ...

  9. No-Till Works, But Not Always Applicable for Storing Carbon

    where the practice was the most effective in storing carbon and where it was not. "Basically, those ...

  10. OSU Extension Raising Animal Welfare Awareness

    laying hens are handled and their productivity. Basically, those animals that are most fearful have the ...
