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  1. Forage Tests Provide Valuable Information

    frequent rainfall events dictated that a lot of first cut dry hay was baled in July. Forage quality is ...

  2. Ohio State’s Rattan Lal Receives International Agriculture Award

    Newsfeeds: ExtensionOARDC News Releases- College Events/Announcements News Releases- Columbus area (Ohio) News Releases- ...

  3. 4-H News and Notes- May 7, 2015

    Dear 4-H Members, Parents, and Advisors, Several important 4-H reminders and upcoming events are ... Board- Ohio Light Opera Costume Design Presentation and Tour- May 20th  (This event is open to parents, ... Goat Tagging- June 6th FCS Summer Events Jr. Fair Premium Information for Self Determined Projects ...

  4. Phi Theta Kappa Blood Drive

    Phi Theta Kappa blood drive is Sept. 17 ...

  5. Panama Information Session

    Please encourage students to attend the Panama information session on 9/24 from 4:30- 5:30 pm in the community room of the Housing Office ...

  6. UITL Teaching Workshop

    UITL Teaching Workshop on Sept. 19, 3-4 p.m. ...

  7. Keep Important Papers Organized & Safe

    other life events, we all need to be able to quickly locate valuable documents.  Here are some ...

  8. News-- Faculty, staff honored for teaching, advising and years of service

    Wooster, OH-- Ohio State ATI held its annual faculty/staff recognition event on May 12, 2016. The ...

  9. Newsletters

    various other collegues from OSU and other universities.   If you have articles or events for possible ...

  10. Sustainable aquaponic vegetable and fish co-production in Ohio

    provides some basic aquaponic guidelines that have been developed from research conducted by the Ohio State ...
