
Search results

  1. Agricultural Nutrients and Water Quality: Recent Litigation in the United States

    the United States, is available here.   Since the advent of the Clean Water Act (CWA), states have ... related projects, which we conducted in partnership with the National Agricultural Law Center.   Clean ...

  2. Be sure to catch an Agricultural Outlook and Policy Meeting this winter

    Registration is required for each event.  For further details and registration information, click on the ... meeting under its date in our "Events" listing.   Ag Outlook ...

  3. Environmental Policy and Outlook Conference

    " Renewable Energy Markets" 2:30pm-  Scott Weaver, AEP: Presentation “AEP’s Clean Energy ...

  4. Turbidity

    water. Proper physical cleaning and disinfection of the well may reduce turbidity problems. Continued ... way to correct turbidity problems. WEBSITE RESOURCES USEPA- Water: Basic Information about Regulated ... Drinking Water Contaminants- Basic Information about Pathogens and Indicators in Drinking Water Ohio ...

  5. Maple Tree Walk

    this event will cancel in the event of heavy rain/thunderstorms.  RSVP Here Meeting location and ...

  6. Winter Solstice Labyrinth Walk and Conifer Tour

    labyrinth, hot cocoa, and roasted chestnuts!   Note: While this event is free, parking in a nearby parking ...

  7. Export policies and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine: What might it mean for Ohio soybean farmers?

    How might global events impact your business Know your cost of production. Develop budget scenarios. ...

  8. CFAES and AEDE Distinguished Seniors selected

    events, worked in the food pantry and completed an archive project. She is a member of the Ohio Farm ... and the Crops and Soils Club, where she also planned service events. She recently retired her role as ...

  9. Canaries in a coal mine: Energy transitions in Appalachian coal regions, and a roadmap for the rocky transition out of coal

    basic services. These subsidies would later be phased out as communities adjust. Additional ...

  10. Past Events

