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  1. Wind Energy Development as an Economic Development Strategy for Rural Areas

    well as manufacture component parts for the industry. Utility Wind Basics Utility scale wind ... Business and Land Ownership Community Energy and Environment alternative energy wind farms clean energy ...

  2. Horse Manure Management

    cleaned. Simply pick a stall clean with a manure fork, then add about 1/2 cup of ammonium nitrate or ...

  3. First-aid Kits

    balls for cleaning wounds or applying medication Splints ¼ inch thick, ½ inch wide, 12-15 inches long ... container for cleaning Ice packs (chemical ice bags) to use to reduce swelling Insect bite kit Several pairs ...

  4. First Grade: Fun Summer Time Activities and Games

    wash the chalk away or you can provide a water hose or a pail of water for clean up. On a warm day, ... cleaning up with a water hose may be just as much fun as drawing! Create Colorful Windsocks —For each ...

  5. Winter and Your Backyard Chickens

    Increase Bedding To prepare the coop for winter, remove all used bedding and clean the coop prior to adding ... clean the coop more often and regularly adjust, mix, or fluff the bedding levels to provide a warm and ... should be 1½ to 3 inches in diameter.  If you notice frostbite on a chicken, there are some basic ...

  6. Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Tomatoes

    office for the following fact sheets: Canning Basics, HYG-5338 Basics for Canning Vegetables, HYG-5344 ...

  7. An Overview of Drying Hardwood Lumber

    quantities of hardwood lumber for their use; therefore, they need to understand basic wood-drying principles. ... hardwood lumber, and suggestions for implementing each. Some Basic Definitions Moisture content (MC): The ... covered by a smooth, clean, soft, water-saturated cloth. The evaporation of water from the wet cloth ...

  8. Healthy Cooking for One or Two

    2020. “Leftovers and Food Safety.” Food Safety. Updated July 31, 2020. ...

  9. Earwigs

    to 50 smooth, oval, pearly-white or cream-colored eggs are produced. The female moves, cleans, and ... ground level. Change landscaping by creating a clean, dry border immediately around the foundation wall. ...

  10. Interviewing Tips for Judges

    can build their strengths and improve their weaknesses. Recognition is a basic human need. Ohio 4-H ... after a great judging experience! Before Judging Day Find out from the judging organizer how the event ... event location, etc. Familiarize yourself with county rules, regulations, selections, and placing ...
