
Search results

  1. September 2019 Highlights

    Laval University 4-5 pm Parker 118 October 22                          Cleaning and Sanitation Basics ... post for Science Meets Food. Upcoming Events: October 4                            2019 Hall of ...                          OVIFT Edge Innovation Hub event 5- 8:15 pm; 1140 Gahanna Parkway October 30                          FST ...

  2. August 2017 Highlights October 31                      Cleaning and Sanitation Basics November 1-2 ... in the film, will facilitate a discussion about controversies in science and agriculture. The event ... Union. Learn more about the event and express your interest in attending at ...

  3. Accepting Participants for 3 Minute Thesis Competition

    Finalists will compete in a live event hosted by the Graduate School on February 8th, 2023, from 10:00AM to ...

  4. Chow Line: Sanitize countertops and cutting boards (for 5/21/09)

    May 22, 2009 Should I use a sanitizer to clean counter tops and cutting boards, or does hot water ... and soap do the job? Although a soap and hot water combination cleans reasonably well, it may not ... eliminate all bacteria. Using some type of sanitizer is recommended. That way, you're making sure that ...

  5. Junior Fair Superintendents Needed

    members and helping them succeed in offering all events and activities throughout the year related to the ...

  6. August 2019 Highlights

    .    October 22                       Cleaning and Sanitation Basics October 23 ... take place from 4-5 pm in Parker 118 each week and is open to the public. Upcoming Events: September 4  ... This" Kick Off Event Rhinegeist Brewery in Over The Rhine Cincinnati 6-8:30 pm      Link to this event ...

  7. CFAES Graduate Programs

    and operations. From traditional problem solvers to designers and leaders, from basic to applied ...

  8. Brown County JFB Seeking Small Animal Superintendent(s)

    fair board overseeing the members and helping them succeed in offering all events and activities ... orders, chick pick-up, small animal tagging, clinics, barn clean-ups, pen assignments, etc.  ...

  9. Upcoming Events


  10. Lois B. Small and Gladys B. Hamilton Labyrinth Garden

    could be enclosed and/or tented for special events and still provide a unique feature for our gardens, ... interactive destination point in the Arboretum and provided an enclosed area for private receptions/events in ...
