
Search results

  1. How Can the Timing of Stress Affect Yield in Corn?

    Extreme weather events have begun again in 2016 with renewed force. Frost damage in May impacted ...

  2. Organic Crop Field Day

    The event is from 2 to 6 p.m. Sept. 8 starting at the  Ohio Agricultural Research and Development ...

  3. Want to Add Solar Power on Your Farm? Go to This Workshop

    program to support their projects,” said Mary Wicks, a program coordinator at OARDC and one of the event ...

  4. Photo op at Shisler

    Submitted by Michelle Villers, The ATI Admissions team provided a photo booth during orientation last week and it was a big hit not only with students and their families but many employees took advantage of the photo opportunity as wel ...

  5. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2010-38

    very low levels, too late to cause damage.  Basically, soybean rust was frozen out last year as the ... this particular field.  Basically, this field has had several years in a row of soybeans, which were ... is the basic recipe for developing fungicide resistance.  This is a good reminder for everyone:  ...

  6. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2011-09

    Cost of replanting in the event of failure. 4.   Additional weed control costs due to lack of early ... soybeans in the event of corn stand failure. 7.   Any nitrogen applied for corn is essentially lost if ... loss to replanting soybeans than penalty to replanting corn). 3.   Cost of replanting in the event of ...

  7. Six honored by CFAES

    at an event in Columbus on March 7, 2015.  ...

  8. It Is Not Too Late to Apply Nitrogen on Wheat

    will prevent volatilization for 10 to 14 days with the anticipation of a significant rainfall event ...

  9. Dairy Cattle Judging team tours UK

    U.S.and U.K. judging events. "In U.S. contests, teams get 15 minutes to place a class and take notes ...

  10. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2004-10

    a mitigating response in the event of a poor soybean stand. 9. Soybeans have the ability to flex over different ... nutrients (P2O5 and K2O) applied in event of crop failures. 11. Most favorable temperatures for crop growth ... exposure to plant injuring insects and diseases. 3. Cost of replanting in the event of stand failure. 4. ...
