
Search results

  1. Farms, Farmland, and Food System Links

    Ohio Clean Lakes Initiative (July 2012 initiative of Ohio agencies/partners to mitigate ag nutrient ...

  2. morpc's Summit on Sustainability & the Environment

    solutions. This year’s event will be held at the Hilton Columbus Downtown. This year's theme, Building ...

  3. Vegetable Gardening Basics

    It’s Spring! We’ll break down garden duties into three parts: Planning, Planting, and Maintaining. For first time gardeners or as a refresher after a long, cold winter, leave with a month-by-month plan of major tasks in the garden and how to use your time ...

  4. CD Wire- June 6, 2016

    banquet has been separated into two events; a 60-minute awards session followed by a ‘Farm-to-Table’ ... event, click here. Summer CD In-Service July 28 We are already looking ahead to our Summer meeting on the ... develop a plan for use in a crisis situation. Additional information can be found here. Add this event to ...

  5. Where's the Water?

    live-streamed at This event is sponsored by the Byrd Polar Research Center, Department of ...

  6. CD Wire- July 25, 2016

    believe we are finishing up July and looking at the start of August. Events like our Summer In-service ... and wildlife, said Kathy Smith, coordinator of the event’s sponsor, the Ohio Woodland Stewards ... Health Farmers' Market. This three-day event typically serves more than 7,000 residents, providing ...

  7. CD Wire- July 11, 2016

    option to add this event to your calendar, please visit Staff ... ( to view and register for upcoming webinar sessions. Please share these events with others who may ...

  8. The 7th Annual Stinner Summer

    a highly engaging and participatory event where attendees from all backgrounds work together to develop ...

  9. Midwest-Great Lakes Chapter of the Society for Ecological Restoration Meeting

    restoration. We hope you will participate in this exciting event! Save the date and plan on attending another ...

  10. Long-term Effects of Repeated Prescribed Burning on Tree Growth and Drought Vulnerability in Red Pine Forests in Northern Minnesota

    after prescribed fires, and during and after known drought events occurring over the past 40 years in ...
