
Search results

  1. Sandy Kuhn

    Currently she continues to help with the silent auction at the annual alumni event, FallFest, and is vice ...

  2. SENR Well Represented at Pathways Conference

    of this highly-valued species. This year’s event took place the weekend (Oct. 3-4) before the 2014 ...

  3. SENR's Terrestrial Wildlife Ecology Lab To Participate in Annual Fish and Wildlife Conference

    plenary sessions, networking opportunities and social events. Among the attendees will be members of Ohio ...

  4. March Lake States Fire Science Webinar

    a massive recruitment event across the wilderness. When viewed in the context of travel corridors and Ojibwe ...

  5. Farm Science Review 2018 Gwynne Conservation Area Programs and Events


  6. 2014 Alumni Awards Luncheon

    staff in the Ohio Union for the annual event, which honors those who contribute in various ways to the ... college, the university and the community as a whole. Click  HERE  to see images from the event.  Click on ... Development Event Teams throughout the year, assists with the FFA Alumni Chapter and orchestrates student ...

  7. Former ENR Masters Student is New Executive Director of MORPC

    director in Janaury 2013. There will be several meetings and events where you will have an opportunity to ...

  8. Tree School

    backyard, tree ID, invasive species management and much, much more! This all day event will be heodl on the ...

  9. $3+ Million NIH Grant Funds Earth Scientist's Work on Medical Implants

    a scientific discipline defined by size, basically just the study of small things and is truly ...

  10. Celebrating Your Impact

    Extension – 4-H Youth Development. For a couple of years, when the “Capital Challenge” event in cooperation ... meetings of the 4-H Professionals within their own EERAs to plan area-wide events, share materials and ...
