
Search results

  1. Dairy Judging Team and 4-H Dairy Programming Updates

    outstanding dairy 4-Hers for their participation in organized events.  Adult leaders and volunteers are ... those of you who follow youth events and Spring Dairy Expo, we are pleased to announce that Ohio F ...

  2. Data Management Basics for Agricultural Data

    Working with agricultural data can lead to a variety of challenges including discipline-specific issues such as: questions about ownership; difficulties in "matching" or aggregating data; and data being linked to land value. This is all in addit ...

  3. Control of Bovine Respiratory Disease (BRD or Pneumonia)

    a dry environment protected from the elements to lay down to rest and access to adequate clean feed and ...

  4. Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference

    a total of eight concurrent sessions. More than 900 participants are expected to attend the event, which ...

  5. Alumni Receive Awards at National Conference

    a hand wherever needed, whether that means helping in the classroom, volunteering at events, or coaching ... agriscience education major, visit or call 614.247.6358. Pictures from the event can be seen on ...

  6. Tips for Spring Application of Manure

    (stickiness) of manure decreases so it flows easier. Liquid manure acts just like water because it is basically ...

  7. Feed and Nutrient Costs in Dairy Production: Will it Get Any Worse?

    operating with milk prices below his/her cost of production, basically making a living out of the ...

  8. The Costs of Nutrients, Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices and the Current Dairy Situation

    crop to harvest.  How quickly things change in agriculture.  Which is why we basically cannot predict ...

  9. Communiqué December 7, 2012

    Director Nearly 450 OSUE professionals attended the Annual Conference on Wednesday, and I feel the event ... The workshop will be held at the Ohio State University Marion campus. This event will be sponsored by ... of the day on December 7…Thomson Reuters will be finished running the “data clean-up scripts” for the ...

  10. Communiqué April 10, 2013

    systems. The most enjoyable event I have experienced since becoming a field specialist is traveling to ... had the number of agronomy events that were held in northern Ohio. I want to work with the ANR ... programs. The Farm Science Review is another event that has a place for agronomy education. I plan to ...
