
Search results

  1. Bedtime or go time? Observing what animals do during a total solar eclipse

    celestial event to find out. “It’s a unique opportunity to understand how so many different animals respond ... that you’re going to find a wild animal during an event like this and have it in view to record its ... event. Animals may pace, forage, groom, eat, rest, move, prepare to bed down – and, maybe, exhibit ...

  2. Kitchel reappointed as CFAES senior associate dean

    Events/Announcements Sherrie R. Whaley 614-292-2137 ...

  3. Spring planting delays may cause some farmers to make adjustments to improve yields

    Lindsey 614-292-9080 Extension Faculty and Staff OARDC News Tips and Events Research ...

  4. Warning: Cicadas can be a tasty treat, but they can be hazardous to those allergic to seafood

    multiple states as part of a rare, two-brood event. Known as Broods XIII and XIX, the periodical cicadas ... event even more significant is that these broods haven’t emerged together since 1803, and they won’t do ... klinger.80@osu.ed Extension Faculty and Staff News Tips and Events Media Advisory Food, Food Safety, Food Insecurity ...

  5. Farm to Table: OSU Extension Launches Online Food Business Central

    basics, legal startup and insurance, and marketing and economics. The other five modules focus on foods ... Extension Faculty and Staff News Tips and Events Research Media Advisory Business and Economics ...

  6. Ohio State University Extension Receives EPA (Region 5) Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Center (TCTAC) Grant

    successfully navigate funding opportunities to access the resources they need to lead in the clean energy ... transition, pollution clean-up, and green workforce development.   There are a variety of federal funding ...

  7. Departments

    basic studies, hands-on experience and a paid industry internship. Ohio State ATI is the largest ...

  8. Six leaders inducted into the 2024 ENR Honorary 100

    Earth Day Event- Eat This Earth Day! Ohio's Native Plants for Food. The ENR Honorary 100 recognizes ...

  9. SENR Announcements, April 11

    Sunday morning or simply come for the day on Saturday. There’s plenty of cleaning, organizing, carrying, ... Symposium on April 22, 2024!  Register  HERE  for an exciting event with networking, posters, oral ... on display at this year's  We Grow Scientists! A COSI Community Event on May 3, including: Water ...

  10. EPN Summer Field Trip Series- Tuesday, June 11, 2024: 99 years of science and learning on Ohio’s Gibraltar

    This EPN Summer Field Trip event will feature a tour of Ohio State’s Island campus on Lake Erie. ...
