
Search results

  1. Home Preservation of Fish

    trout and whitefish. The five basic steps in smoking fish are cleaning, curing, drying, smoking and ... ice immediately, then clean, dress and wash them within 2 hours. Pack them in ice, or refrigerate them ... plastic bags, thick plastic freezer bags or freezer papers. Use fresh fish, cleaned and dressed. Cut fish ...

  2. Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Cherries

    Extension office for the following fact sheets: Canning Basics, HYG-5338 Basics for Canning Fruit, HYG-5343 ...

  3. Identification and Management of Soilborne Diseases of Tomato

    crop development.  Sanitation: Remove diseased plants and diseased plant parts. Clean soil from boots ... combined with others that actively reduce pathogen populations in the soil. Prevention: Always use clean ...

  4. Dr. Clay Sneller

    five years of driving a Terra-Gator for 80+ hours a week, cleaning grain elevator basements and silos, ...

  5. Caitlyn Tasney Receives the CFAES Distinguished Senior Award

    Caitlyn:  I have played golf basically my whole life and after trying a couple of other majors at different ... in the PGM tournament events that were held at OSU Golf Club. I wouldn’t trade my experience for ...

  6. Biosecurity for Youth Livestock Exhibitors

    equipment) will be regulated or controlled; and how cleaning and disinfection procedures will be used to ... equipment used to haul your animals is clean and recently disinfected. A number of good disinfectants are ... things as ringworm fungus. Have your own equipment, and if you loan it to someone, clean and disinfect it ...

  7. Eye and Face Protection

    to hold eyewear in place. • Discard pitted or scratched eyewear. Eyewear should be clean and ... face protection. • Must be worn with safety glasses/goggles.   Keep Pr​otective Eyewear Clean and ... Protected • Clean the lenses carefully with soap and water. • Disinfect eyewear that has been exposed to ...

  8. Rachel Wins 2nd Place at the GRS in the PhD Research Category

    the  Graduate Research Symposium. The Graduate Research Symposium is an annual event hosted by the HCS  ... planning committee for their hard work and dedication in putting on an excellent and successful event ...

  9. Living on a Fixed Income

    unexpected event. Experts recommend that a minimum of $1,000 be set aside for an emergency. They also advise ... Therefore, if your basic needs of rent/mortgage, utilities, food, medications, and transportation are $1,000 ... difficult to pay for your basic needs. Having a budget may help you to say no when it is necessary. Each ...

  10. Helping Young Children Through Stressful Times

    experiences are not the only causes of symptoms of stress in children. Both negative and positive events may ... stress occurs. When a child is excited about an upcoming event, stress occurs. Sometimes the stress is ... come from exciting events, such as, a birthday party, a trip to the zoo, swim lessons, dance classes, ...
