
Search results

  1. Excel Workshops Start Next Week

    March 15, 2024, live, via Zoom, from 9AM-12PM. You can enroll in one or all of the following:    Basic ...

  2. Meet Michael Zuccaro: 2024 CFAES Distinguished Senior

    outside the classroom, attending sporting  events and music performances. He also maintained high academic ...

  3. Mark your calendars: Spring Plant Sale

    The ATI Greenhouse's annual Spring Plant Sale will take place the second weekend in May. ...

  4. Ohio State Equine Center

    If a special event is going on such as a state 4-H contest or clinic, you may be asked to help with ...

  5. Wang appointed to Professorship in Plant Protection

    Faculty and Staff College Events/Announcements CFAES News Team 614-292-2270 ...

  6. Destress Fest: Fairwell to Finals Luncheon

    Tuesday, April 30 Fairwell to Finals Luncheon Open to all students, faculty and staff in the Gathering Place, 12- 2 p.m. ...

  7. Donuts with the Dean FRIDAY

    Friday, April 26, from 9:00-10:00 a.m. in the CFAES Wooster Science Building Café. ...

  8. Red Cross Blood Drive this Friday

    address and date of  birth.  Fill out the form with some basic information that the Red Cross will need.  ...

  9. Centers

    combining fundamental science with animal model validation in a wholistic approach to basic and ...

  10. Dr. Stephen Boyles retires following decades of impact on beef producers nationwide

    of cattle. Boyles also works to train first responders and producers in the event of a livestock ... incidents and other events throughout the country that involve animals. While Dr. Boyles’ accomplishments in ...
