
Search results

  1. Kingsville branch serves grapes and a growing industry

    Educational events-- including Ohio Grape and Wine Day, Winter Grape School and the Grape Twilight Tour-- are ...

  2. Researchers Using Weather to Predit Potential Head Scab Outbreaks

    "One thing to remember is that the threat of scab is an annual event, but it's a disease to reckon ...

  3. Ohio State Extension Kicks Off Summer Farm Tour Series

    to the public, unless otherwise noted. The event is a collaborative effort between Ohio State ...

  4. Summit Launches Renewable Energy Focus in Ohio

    Department of Agriculture Under Secretary for Rural Development Tom Dorr will be headlining the event, along ...

  5. Renewable Energy a Topic at Conservation Tillage Conference

    Ohio Northern University. The event is designed to educate growers, crop advisers, consultants and ...

  6. Harmful Algal Blooms Impacting Landowner Ponds and Small Lakes

    and Natural Resources. "The development of harmful algal blooms is a relatively uncommon event ...

  7. Yearning to Be a Buckeye? Learn More about Ohio State's Academic Programs in Food, Ag, and Environment at Farm Science Review

    agricultural-related educational opportunities during Farm Science Review. The event will be held Sept. 21-23 at the ...

  8. Success Uncorked for Ohio’s Wine Industry: Double the Wineries, 4K Jobs, $580M Economic Impact

    fast-changing-- growing conditions. Hold outreach events, such as field days and the two-day Ohio Grape and Wine ...

  9. UPDATE: Olympic-Sized Tale of Generosity Featuring Ohio State Retiree to be Told on NBC

    has everything to do with the basic Olympian value of building a better world. Incongruously, ...

  10. Ohio State Food, Ag, Env Calendar Listings as of Nov. 3

    November 3, 2011 COLUMBUS, Ohio — Here are upcoming events involving Ohio State University's ...
